Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sales of Santa Muerte figure down

By Cesar G. Rodriguez

The old saying of "Dios me guia y Ella me cuida," or "God guides me and She protects me," recited by believers of Santa Muerte, seems to have lost some of its luster in Laredo.

Santa Muerte believers seem to be fewer in number, or simply have stopped buying products embossed with her image, those who sell the items said.

Salespeople at "pulgas," where second-hand products and miscellaneous items are sold, say the sales of Santa Muerte-themed items as well as products embossed with other religious figures have taken a tumble.

One said she noticed sales were affected after action by authorities in Nuevo Laredo.

Local, state and federal agencies there demolished 30 altars and chapels to Santa Muerte in a public right-of-way along a stretch of Federal Highway 85, about 13 miles south of the city, on March 24, 2009.

See the full story here.

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